Every person’s faith journey is different, just like every person’s childhood is different. At the same time, just as there are phases of childhood, there are also common phases of a person’s spiritual journey. Consider the stages below, and consider: which describes me best?

Spiritually Dormant
- “I’m not sure about Jesus.”
- May or may not believe in God, but no living relationship with God.
- Sometimes, anger toward God or Christians.
- A worldview that blends many different ideas drawn largely from our culture.
- May seek meaning through various social causes.

Spiritual Infant (can be any age)
- “I believe in Jesus, but I have a lot to learn!”
- Believes in God through Jesus Christ – spiritually born again!
- Very partial knowledge about the gospel, the Bible, and Christian living.
- Not sure how to form a Christian lifestyle of habits to grow toward maturity.
- Still a cultural worldview, blended with some biblical truth.

Spiritual Child
- “Jesus loves me, this I know because the Bible tells me so.”
- Some understanding of the gospel and Bible. Often rigid beliefs.
- Learning a Christian lifestyle, but still needs wisdom. Often self-centered. Habits, service, and lifestyle sometimes center around one’s feelings.
- Learning a biblical worldview, where the Bible is our lens to understand life.

Spiritual Adult
- “I have a living relationship with God.”
- Clear understanding of the gospel, and ability to apply it in daily life.
- Regular spiritual habits lead to growth in the “fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-23).
- Desire to serve, perhaps lead.
- Well-formed biblical worldview, where the Bible is our lens to understand life.

Spiritual Parent
- “I want others to know God as I do!”
- Still growing in faith, with a clear sense of mission and purpose.
- Trains others (in any of the stages) to grow spiritually, celebrates their growth.
- Thinks in terms of team/community, not just self.
- Missional worldview: life is full of opportunities to take part in God’s mission to save the world (see Matthew 28:19).
Growing through the Stages
Whatever stage best describes you, God loves you! God loves us exactly as we are, and loves us too much to leave us as we are. Here are things that can help people move forward to the next stage. If you would like to discuss your own faith journey, and how to move forward, our pastors would be glad to speak with you.
Dormant → Infant = “Know Christ”
- Relationship of trust with a mature Christian to see Jesus in someone
- Able to explore questions and objections
- Hears and accepts the gospel of grace through Jesus Christ
- Often, experiences the Holy Spirit in meaningful ways
- Gospel Acceptance: receiving God’s good news as my good news!
Infant → Child = “Know Christ”
- Relationship with a spiritual parent
- Learns Christian beliefs and habits
- Relationship with God through worship & prayer
- “Gospel Identity“: the gospel shapes my self-understanding
Child → Adult = “Grow in Christ”
- Christian community for encouragement and accountability
- Develops regular spiritual disciplines: Scripture, stewardship, habits of holiness
- Opportunities to serve, with skills training and coaching/mentoring
- “Gospel Fluency“: seeing life through the lens of faith.
Adult → Parent = “Go in Christ”
- Discovers our calling to make disciples
- Often, skills training and ongoing coaching to be effective in making disciples
- Needs appropriate venue(s) for discipling others
- “Gospel Living“: striving to live out the Great Commission daily (Matt. 28:19-20)
Westminster offers opportunities in each of the areas above. Our desire is to resource your faith journey. Contact us for a pastor to reach out to you.