Become a Covenant Partner!
The term “Covenant Partner” is a newer, and kind of awkward phrase. It is our attempt, with ECO, to more clearly describe what it means to be part of a local church, which is different from membership in other organizations.
“Covenant” indicates a serious promise, a commitment. Throughout the Bible, God makes a covenant with His people. It’s God who initiates. God who reaches out to us first. God who offers us salvation as a free gift – not because we did something to earn it, but wholly out of God’s great and powerful love for us. We receive this free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and promise to serve God with our whole life.
“Partner” indicates we are making a serious commitment to this body of believers, called Westminster Presbyterian Church. We promise to serve God and Jesus Christ, giving our our time and resources with and through this family of faith, partnering with this group of believers to accomplish God’s mission and purposes in this Valley and around the world.
As a Covenant Partner, we are saying publicly, “This is my team. This is my tribe. I belong here. I want to serve here.”
Here’s how it works:
Download your own copy of the Covenant Partner Vows. No computer? Call the church office and we will send one to you. *We encourage you to use these Vows as your personal devotions for the next few weeks. Look up the Bible verses listed. Prayerfully consider where your heart is at regarding these basic truths of our faith.*
Watch the five Covenant Partner Videos:
- Introduction Video: What is a Covenant Partner?
- Week 1 Video Script – By God’s grace, Jesus is my Savior and Lord.
Week 1 – Questions for Reflection and Discussion - Week 2 Video Script – By God’s grace, I will seek the Holy Spirit’s continual transformation in my life.
Week 2 – Questions for Reflection and Discussion - Week 3 Video Script – By God’s grace, I will prayerfully partner with God in His mission to rescue the world and make followers of Jesus.
Week 3 – Questions for Reflection and Discussion - Week 4 Video Script – By God’s Grace, I will share my gifts, time, and talents to serve God in partnership with this community of believers and to extend that belonging to others.
Week 4 – Questions for Reflection and Discussion
Covenant Partner classes are planned quarterly: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. For more information, please email Sherry Ettlich or call the church office at (541)773-8274.
During the four weeks together, you will have the opportunity to get to know others who are interested in becoming a Covenant Partner as well as the Elders who serve as our Small Group facilitators.
After you have watched the videos and met with your group, you will be invited to meet with one of our Elders to talk through the Covenant Partner Vows and share some of your faith journey.
At a future church service, we will welcome you publicly into the faith family we call Westminster Presbyterian Church!